Young at Heart: The Perfect Recipe

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I am a creative cook and I want to share with all you wise women a recipe for aging gracefully!

The poet Mary Oliver ponders, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Heck…we are all going to get older, we are all going to pass on. My question to you as you age is, how do you want to live your one wild and precious life?

I am extra curious to know how you want to spend the rest of your lovely life because I turned 60 this past year, my kids are not living at home anymore and lots of my friends are thinking about retirement or have already retired. I am about to become a grandmother! Wow! It seems like only yesterday my kids were small and we were absorbed in parenthood.

We fear aging in our culture, not only because we dread the possibility of declining health and the reality of death, but also because there may be a shift in purpose that can feel unsettling, especially when the kids are gone and life is changing in significant ways.

Earlier in our chronology, we may have been consumed by careers, driven to prove ourselves and earn a good living. We may have been caught up in the quotidian joys and challenges of raising a family. Aging did not seem imminent in our immediate future, so we focused on everyday tasks, challenges, responsibilities. Getting older was, well…in a far off land.

Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. Betty Friedan

Some people believe that physical and cognitive decline is inevitable, and that as we age, our time to contribute also fades. We are now in the backseat. We may feel as though we don’t have a compass and are resigned to a less than satisfying way of life. I am here to tell you there is another way!

Healthy aging is about celebrating your age, the season of life you are living in right now. It is a time to intentionally consider your vision for this new phase of life. Part of revisioning is not succumbing to the undercurrent of beliefs around aging as a time of decline. On the contrary, we can actually experience a time of rebirth, renewed purpose, and straight up joy. We can feel confident in who we are and take advantage of our talents and strengths. We can settle into a life in which we focus on what matters most to us. We can defy expectations of aging.

There is a Japanese concept called ikigai which means, “the reason to jump out of bed in the morning, or the reason for being.” Ikigai may just be the secret sauce to living a life of meaning and joy and it might even extend your life—or at least increase your healthspan (period of time living in good health).

Ikigai is the intersection of what you love (your passions), what you are good at (your talents, strengths, vocation), what is the world needs (your mission), and what you can be paid for do (your vocation). It is the magical intersection of these four elements that creates your personal ikigai.


Finding you ikigai is a fabulous way to navigate any stage of life. Take a moment to marinate on the follow questions. But first, let go of any negative beliefs around aging and celebrate your lifetime of experience, wisdom and insight.

  1. What do I love? What do I value in life? What makes me light up? What feeds my soul?
  2. What am I good at? We all have talents and unique strengths that allow us to be experts in our own lives and offer us a chance to be good at something, however small. It is an incredible gift!
  3. What does the world need? This merges into the idea of mission. What would you like that to be?
  4. What can I be paid for? It doesn’t have to be literal, but more of what can you can offer.

As I get older, I have no intention of retiring. I feel like I am just getting started and have so much to offer. You do as well!

Here is a delicious recipe that mixes your ikigai with some additional ingredients for aging vibrantly.

*Measure 1 part ikigai to 1 part curiosity and wonder

*Add movement you love everyday; a true balance of joyful activities

*Add a large portion of healthy, mindful eating (lots of whole foods, lots of fiber, color, healthy fats, proteins): eat till you feel 80% full

*Stir in a stress resiliency practice like meditation, qigong or yoga

*Fold in relationships and friendships that are positive and meaningful, reconnect with old friends, keep your family close

*Sprinkle in activities that tickle your brain

*Drizzle in time in nature_Add a heap of restorative, lovely sleep

*Top with a gratitude practice and lots of laughter

*Serve with activities that allow for positive emotions

This is a recipe full of life-affirming ingredients. Of course, you can add one ingredient at a time, personalize your recipe, and cook at your own pace.


So cheers to you and your ikigai!!

Live long and prosper!!
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