

Website Disclaimer

The information contained on the Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit website including all content, resources, blog posts, affiliate links pertaining to nutrition, coaching and mind body medicine are for educational purposes only. Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit website assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in content. I will try to keep content up-to-date, but cannot provide assurances to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information provided.

I am a nutritionist and certified health coach and not a licensed healthcare professional, hence, the information provided on this site is not a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or prescriptive treatment. In other words, I can not diagnosis, prescribe, treat or cure any condition. The information contained on this website is not intended to be medical advice, nutrition or diet therapy and is not individualized coaching.

The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a licensed healthcare provider regarding symptoms, existing health conditions and other medical concerns, before starting a new food or lifestyle plan to see if it is the right choice for them. I am not responsible for any adverse reactions, effects or consequences resulting from the use of any information contained on the website, blog or from affiliate products.


The Mind Body Spirit Journal is a blog owned by Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit website. Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content. I am a nutritionist and certified health coach and not a licensed healthcare professional. All information on the blog is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or prescriptive treatment. It is not meant to prevent or cure disease. I reserve the right to modify the contents and focus of the blog at any time.

Affiliate Links:

The Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit website contains affiliate links. I get paid a small commission on products sold through these links. You don’t pay extra and I believe in these products or I wouldn’t be offering them to you.

Purity Coffee

Vibrant Blue Oils

Copyright and Disclaimer Notice

All content included on the Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit website and blog including text, graphics, images, resources like hand-outs and course material is the property of Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, modify, create derivative work or use any of this material without expressed permission of Positive Nutrition: Mind Body Spirit. Please contact me for more information.